Before moving on to next topic – “composition”, I want to add a couple more points about lighting. In the previous blog, I mentioned creating depth on the face by placing light source at an angle to the subject. Another way to emphasis face contour. You can place the light source one to two feet above subject’s head while putting a reflector below to reduce contrast. (This is called butterfly/clam light). The shadow will be cast between the nose and upper lip. It is a great way to highlight cheekbones.
Many times you might be wondering why some portraits are better than others. There are many reasons, such as pretty model, lighting, sharp image, professional make-up, mood, facial expression, etc. However, there is one simple element for all these pictures… “catch-light” – highlight reflected off the eyes. These bright spots give ‘life’ to the subject.
Attached studio picture used butterfly lighting. Also they have beautiful catch-lights off the eyes.
Mar 23, 2015